3D-LV Application For Drive Suspension Modal Test
Source: Polytec
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Application Note: 3D-LV Application For Drive Suspension Modal Test
The task of performing a full modal test of disk drive suspensions has historically presented a number of obstacles. Mainly, the lack of three-dimensional information and the resulting amount of time required to test have made this a cost intensive procedure. One that is indispensable as well in an industry with ever increasing pressure to improve performance while slashing costs. By using the innovative 3DLV vibrometer from Polytec PI, measurement of the complete motion of a suspension or actuator arm can be accomplished and the results obtained provide three-dimensional characterization over the entire structure. Further test time reduction is achieved with an integrated 3DLV scanning system employing Polytec PI's positioning products and expertise. The result is a system with unparalleled capability. Furthermore, the scanning portion of the system can easily adapted for use with the large number of fiber LDV sensors so prevalent in the disk drive test field.
Application Note: 3D-LV Application For Drive Suspension Modal Test
Application Note: 3D-LV Application For Drive Suspension Modal Test
The task of performing a full modal test of disk drive suspensions has historically presented a number of obstacles. Mainly, the lack of three-dimensional information and the resulting amount of time required to test have made this a cost intensive procedure. One that is indispensable as well in an industry with ever increasing pressure to improve performance while slashing costs. By using the innovative 3DLV vibrometer from Polytec PI, measurement of the complete motion of a suspension or actuator arm can be accomplished and the results obtained provide three-dimensional characterization over the entire structure. Further test time reduction is achieved with an integrated 3DLV scanning system employing Polytec PI's positioning products and expertise. The result is a system with unparalleled capability. Furthermore, the scanning portion of the system can easily adapted for use with the large number of fiber LDV sensors so prevalent in the disk drive test field.
System Overview
A comprehensive solution was put together by Polytec PI. It consists of:
- 3D-LV sensor and controller to acquire three-dimensional velocity measurements.
- Modified CLV-T-031-NZ test stand including a beam splitter and camera with beam positioning adjustment.
- VIBSOFT-84 4-channel data acquisition system with internal generator.
- Coreco video board and software for camera image display.
- C-844 motor controller and M- 511.DDB 100mm linear motorized stages for positioning of device under test (DUT).
- Polytec PI's DC Move and WinTerm programs for automated and interactive positioning of DUT.
- ME'scope VES software for modal analysis.
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Application Note: 3D-LV Application For Drive Suspension Modal Test
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